Editorial strategy in a nutshell
Editorial strategy serves as a roadmap that enables you to consistently create, produce, and distribute brilliant content to the right audience, in the right channel, at every stage of the customer journey.
The rise of the East: why Chinese and Korean AAA games are breaking through now
After years of making quiet inroads into Western markets, are Chinese and South Korean AAA titles reaching a tipping point? We believe so. Find out why we think an exciting new era of cross-cultural influence is just around the corner.
Cultural piggybacking: the GOAT of marketing hacks
Cultural piggybacking enables agile brands to demonstrate their relevance by associating with culturally impactful phenomena, trends, movements, events, online communities, and even popular memes.
PC hardware and game partnerships: why a more creative approach is needed
Tech marketers will need to adapt their game partnership strategies if predictions that fewer AAA titles will be released in the future are correct. We walk through how that challenge can be overcome.
Dialect Dialogue
A series of conversations focused on the present and future of marketing with John Gower, Dialect's CEO and founder