5 VR trends to look out for over the coming months
As we look forward into 2023, we can't help but get hyped about all the awesome things happening in the world of VR. From mind-blowing gaming experiences to innovative corporate training tools, there's so much to be excited about in the coming 12 months.
The metaverse - busting buzzwords
Metaverse mayhem is pervading the digital world, every brand wants to be in it, everyone is talking about it. But why? And what is the metaverse exactly?
How to win at the new game of marketing: now and in the future
A new wave of gaming technology brings a new set of marketing challenges and opportunities. Dialect CEO John Gower explains how to power up your brand and without the buzzword bullshit.
Metaverse advertising offers a host of opportunities, and challenges
The metaverse is often portrayed as a mash-up of virtual shopping malls, entertainment hubs, and gaming arcades. Each of these real world places are heavily festooned with loud, colorful advertising. It's a fair bet that the companies currently funding metaverse development view advertising as a core component of their offering.
Creator economy is central to the metaverse’s success
Meta's recent release of new images from its Horizon Worlds metaverse was widely greeted with derision, demonstrating just how far the concept of web 3.0 has to go before it's fully accepted.
Hustling for the Metaverse
It all started a few weeks ago when Facebook unveiled their change of name to Meta …. And Mark Zuckerberg declared that Facebo…. Sorry we mean Meta, would be the pioneers to build the Metaverse, a fusion of the physical and digital worlds where humans can live, work and play in avatar form.
Dialect Dialogue
A series of conversations focused on the present and future of marketing with John Gower, Dialect's CEO and founder