The pressure on marketing is greater than ever. How well are agencies really performing?
Bloated agency structures could spell disaster for brands in the 2020s. Dialect CEO John Gower shares his vision of what success will look like…
5 NFT trends to look out for in 2022
Since NFTs first landed in 2014, the landscape of NFTs has evolved rapidly and exploded before our eyes. Originally born as a unique digital token, NFTs have left their mark on countless spheres of life from art and music to gaming and even finance (that’s right, you can even borrow money from lenders by using your NFTs as collateral or buy Real Estate with NFTs). In 2021, Collins Dictionary even crowned “NFT” word of the year.
NFTs… Why do they have value?
The metaverse and the digital revolution of Web3, NFTs, and cryptocurrency is a concept divided between boosters, skeptics, and dreamers. I count myself in the latter camp – I’m excited by the almost unlimited potential of a new digital universe. At the same time, I’m reluctant to be swept up by the current hyperbole. The future of gaming entertainment is, as ever, a work-in-progress.
Dialect Dialogue
A series of conversations focused on the present and future of marketing with John Gower, Dialect's CEO and founder