Logitech Combo Touch
A fully integrated, end-to-end campaign designed to dissolve incumbent brand loyalty
Convince brand-loyal Apple fans to see Logitech as a desirable alternative when choosing an iPad keyboard case.
The Combo Touch is a technically brilliant, superbly-designed product that switches effortlessly between different use modes such as typing, viewing, reading, and sketching.
But it’s up against the mighty Apple! And as our research revealed: in-market consumers feel like they need permission to pick other brands.
So how could we loosen Apple’s vice-like grip? We attacked the problem from two angles...
Firstly, the hero film and supporting content communicated the Combo Touch’s design innovations from a lifestyle perspective.
In 60-seconds we told the story of how Combo Touch seamlessly supports three different people through their day: from commute, through work, to think-time in the cafe and me-time at home.
This was no product explainer but a persona-led, lifestyle adventure through what could be, if you think beyond Apple.
Winning hearts and minds
Next, we needed the word-of-mouth big guns to tell iPad purchasers that it’s OK to love non-Apple brands too.
So naturally we drafted in a dream team of hand-picked influencers to lead the rebellion!
The critical element here was employing nano-influencers. While limited in reach, these opinion formers have the closest relationship with their followers, and are thus most likely to change minds on an emotive issue like switching brand loyalty.
The reach challenge was solved by our supporting cast of mid-level influencers, and a paid media campaign that amplified the messaging across endemic partnerships, display, TikTok, YouTube, and Meta.
A sequel hero film refreshed the campaign 12-months later. The follow-up utilized the same creative platform - proving the original creative insight had deeply resonated with the audience. This film employed motion-controlled robot technology to realize the “All Versions of You” campaign concept.
168 million impressions
23.6 million engagements
229,000 clicks achieved
45x more followers on Instagram