Psychographic Segmentation

In a nutshell

Psychographic Segmentation enables deeper audience targeting. It works by uncovering how consumer beliefs, values, personalities, and mindsets affect behavior and motivation. This extra dimension of psychological insight is the gateway to higher-resolution market segmentation, and the ultimate pay-off is more powerful campaign messaging.

What’s it good for?

Understand behavior so you can influence behavior 

Drilling down into your audience's internal drivers unlocks more effective campaigns. It’s no longer enough to talk about what a product does. We also need to show how it connects to each consumer’s sense of identity and need.

For example, using psychographics, we can differentiate between segments that respond to messaging about community versus those who care only about being top dog. And we can reveal those who are receptive to messages about escapism and fun versus intense creator-builder types. 

Competitive advantage

We all connect better with people who take the time to understand us on a personal and emotional level. The same is true for brands. Prospective consumers - especially gamers and Gen Z - want to feel valued and develop closer bonds to brands that ‘get them’.

That’s why adding psychographic insight to your toolkit is like playing 4D chess in comparison to making do with standard demographics. 

Targeting high-value segments 

Efficient use of campaign resources is crucial. So we use psychographics to provide a clearer view of the landscape.

Its insights enable us to zoom in on quality audiences that are missed by the current messaging. Perhaps because there’s a purchase barrier that needs to be addressed, or because their needs aren’t being spoken to. And we typically find that a core segment is more nuanced than previously assumed. So we screen-out the ‘hard-to-reach’ and focus on those who only need a nudge to convert.

Case study

Discover how we empowered Aleo to reach Web3 developers and redefine their strategy.